5 Tips To Stay Happy In Late Adulthood

October 2, 2020

As we transition from one season of life to the next, it’s important to be intentional about proactively maintaining all the different domains of life. Especially being mindful of doing what we can to keep yourself happy. Here are some tips to stay happy in late adulthood according to aging.com:

Exercise: Having a regular exercise routine is vital to keep spirits and energy levels elevated. Plus, the release of endorphins just makes a person feel so much better. It’s never to late to start. Find something that you enjoy and that matches your current functioning level and watch as progress is made throughout the weeks.

Find Purpose: Finding a purpose, or a deeper meaning in life, is a good way to stay motivated to start each and every day. The old saying, “it ain’t over til it’s over” is a good one to keep in mind, as long as you have breath in your lungs you have a purpose on this earth. And engaging with that purpose each day is a great way to feel happy.

Stay Connected: Social connection with friends and family is one of the best ways to boost your mood. Make a schedule or list of who you want to connect with daily and weekly, and brainstorm some activities you can do together to laugh and have fun.

Join A Support Group: Often in late adulthood, loss becomes a common experience. It can be the loss of a loved one, friends, a home you have lived in for decade, or health. Joining a support group is a powerful way to ease the grief and find a little happiness as you discover what a new normal could be.

Learn Something New Every Day: The brain is an amazing part of the body. In fact, it has plasticity, which means that it can change and adapt. By being intentional about learning something new every day, the brain is challenged to keep on going. Plus, the happiness that results from accomplishing something new is a joy.

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