
Category: Senior Living

The Benefits of Being Social

Recent studies have shown that older people are more likely to live alone and be socially disconnected in the United States than elsewhere in the world. Today, 27% percent of individuals in the U.S. who are 60 years of age live alone. Though this is common, living alone can result in isolation, loneliness, and cognitive…

Get Moving!

We all know being physically active is just plain good for you, and you should aim to make it part of your routine. Every day we see another study that proves the importance of exercise, and it becomes more important as we age. Regular physical activity and exercise for seniors helps improve mental and physical…

It’s Your Home, and You Have Options

When you’re getting ready to make the big transition to senior living, you’re probably going to have to make a decision about what to do with your current home. Fortunately, you have options. Should I sell? Many seniors choose to sell their current homes to fund their retirement. This is a great option if you…

Let Us Be Thankful

Given that this month includes the Thanksgiving holiday, it seems appropriate to take a moment to consider and recognize all the blessings God has provided in our lives.  I have found older adults are especially mindful or the unique and various ways God “showed up” in critical moments throughout their lives. One of the verses…

You are Autumn

As we watch the leaves turning from summer’s green to the multitude of colors in the fall, I am reminded of the natural rhythm of the seasons.  A friend of ours wrote a song about how the seasons show how God moves nature through to remind us of His power and care for us: And…

Growing Up or Growing Old?

Walt Disney knew a thing or two about having fun.  He is credited with saying, “Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional!”   Having worked with older adults for over thirty years now, I have come to believe that whatever temperament a person had at a younger age often gets more pronounced as they get…

Better Mental Well-Being

  Learn more about how University Village can help meet your needs when you are ready to make the move into an assisted living Tulsa OK community. Senior living in Tulsa is made easy at our retirement community! Contact us here for more information and to schedule a tour.

Employee of the Month: Christina Arce

Christina is a CMA in the Assisted Living and has worked at UV for 5 years. When asked about the best part of her job, she replied, “I love making my residents smile. I try to be kind and make them feel loved and important every day!” During the quarantine, Christian worked A LOT of…

Setting Goals In Late Adulthood

During the retirement years is a great time to set some goals due to the increased level of freedom, and decreased level of responsibilities. Sometimes, though, with out a lot of structure to daily routines, it can be challenging to get started on something new and keep that momentum going. Here are some tips, according…

Stay Connected

Are you searching for assisted living Tulsa OK communities? University Village can help! Contact us here and discover all you need to know about our retirement homes in Tulsa OK and how we can help you have a more comfortable retirement.




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