April Resident Spotlight: Pat Dorris

April 27, 2017

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Pat Dorris was born in Emporia, Kansas. She had 3 siblings and from an ordinary beginning was born a fascinating woman and an extraordinary life.
Many people around University Village are surprised to see Pat while she is on her daily walk of 4-5 miles each day. It is the way she begins each day and says that she loves to walk! However, this is only one of the physical activities that have been her passion. In her life, she has always been athletic. She has participated in many different activities throughout her life, both professionally and for fun. Pat taught health and P.E. for 40 years, and during this time she lived throughout many states, Germany, and even several years on a Navajo reservation.
In addition to teaching, Pat enjoyed hiking. She hiked Hawaii, Death Valley, Yosemite, the Grand Canyon, 60 miles of Camino de Santiago in Spain, and many other places. (She has been to 56 different countries!) She has also climbed Ayer Rock in Australia.
It doesn’t end there! For cold weather activities, Pat has enjoyed skiing in Norway, Switzerland, and Germany. She snowmobiled in Yellowstone, and snowshoed and dogsledded in Alaska!
That’s not all! Pat taught fencing, bicycled in numerous countries, played on a field hockey team that traveled to Trinidad and Guyana, and played softball. One summer, after retirement, Pat was a Golden Glover for the Diamondbacks baseball team.
Pat spent much of her post retirement years in Cottonwood, AZ. There, she volunteered 14 years at the library and worked with Habitat for Humanity for 4 years.
If you haven’t met and visited with Pat, she is a delight, and loves to share her life’s adventures with others.

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