Emotional Obstacles To Downsizing

December 28, 2018

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The thought pops into your head: “Maybe it’s time to downsize.” Maybe your family has all grown up and moved into their own homes, maybe you’ve reached retirement and suddenly come to the realization that you are living alone in a big house, or maybe the upkeep of your home is all just too much. When considering downsizing your home, however, there are plenty of obstacles which will keep you from making the big decision quickly. Among the most formidable are the emotional reasons to avoid downsizing. Here are some of the most common emotional obstacles to downsizing, thanks to daveramsey.com

  1. Our Humble Abode – “Comparison is the thief of joy” says Theodore Roosevelt. Downsizing might be a humbling experience, as a nice house makes a statement regarding your success, and no one likes to admit that they need a little extra help to keep up. Remember that your success is not defined by the nice items you own, and that it is a GOOD thing to be able to ask for help, and fight the monster of comparison as you consider downsizing.
  2. Avoiding Change – The discomfort that comes with change is enough to make people squirm, especially when it comes to your beloved home.. But change can be a really good thing! Don’t avoid transitions which may prove beneficial in the long run.
  3. “But Mom!” – Family members are incredibly influential. If your family members (who don’t live in the house) are upset by the idea of you moving, you don’t necessarily need to allow their personal emotional reasons for you not to move. You’ve gotta do what you’ve gotta do!
  4. Sweet, Sweet Memories – It’s funny how a physical space can seem to hold so many memories, isn’t it? But that’s the thing about memories… we can carry them with us wherever we go. Having an emotional connection to your home is by no means a bad thing, but it might not be enough of a good reason to stay and avoid moving.

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