Emotional Wellness For Seniors

October 30, 2020

Emotional wellness can be a foundation for quality of life among the senior population. Often in late adulthood, one experiences many changes in domains such as health, finances, social relationships, family and experiencing a sense of purpose. It may be difficult to control these things, but what can be controlled is the response one has to the changes. Here are some tips according to kaiserpermanente.org that will be a guide to intentional emotional wellness:

Have a plan for handling stress: Whether it is meditation, deep breathing or going for a walk, keep a running list of things that help you destress. Often times if you take a break and practice some self-care, you can return to your problem with a clearer mind and the solution presents itself.

Sharpen your mind: The brain is an amazing thing, and you can do a lot to keep that mind sharp. Start by accepting the changes as ‘normal’ for aging brains. This will help you relax and focus on activities that challenge you and help you grow. Puzzles of all kinds are a great way to exercise those brain cells.

Keep up social ties and help others: It’s no secret that those with strong social support systems are happier and healthier. And keeping up with friends and family is the best way to do that. Also, your social circles can be expanded by being a volunteer in your local community. Plus, the benefits of helping others give you a sense of meaning and purpose.

Stay positive: The thoughts you experience have a direct impact on your emotions and behaviors. Do you control your thoughts or do they control you? A great daily practice is to create a thankfulness journal. Not only is it good for focusing on what is positive in your life today, but it’s great to look back on to remind yourself of all of your blessings.

Take some time each day for yourself: Emotional wellbeing is kind of like a battery that needs to be recharged every day. Taking some special time for yourself each day a way to show kindness and compassion to yourself. It may include reading a good book, taking a bath, going for a walk, or praying. Whatever it is that fills your soul – do that every day.

The bottom line is that investing in emotional wellness is important for overall health and happiness. What can you start doing today to make a change?

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