How eReaders Benefit Seniors

January 18, 2019

One of the best things you can do for your brain is to keep reading. Whether you enjoy historical novels, autobiographies or a mystery thriller, keeping a current book to read is so important. Sometimes senior adults have a hard time getting out to the library and buying new books can be expensive and start to pile up around the house. Consider these 3 reasons why an eReader might be a good solution for seniors:

  • Light weight: As we age, or strength and joint fluidity changes. Sometimes books can be bulky or heavy, but eReaders can be really lightweight and don’t require a lot of dexterity. Using a finger or stylus to swipe is easier for people with arthritis.
  • Easy to see: Not all print material comes in large font. This can be very limiting to the avid senior reader. eReaders can help with that by presenting the material in larger font regardless of what type of media it is. The brightness of the screen can also be adjusted to whatever comfort level is needed.
  • Access to thousands of options: At the easy of your fingertips, there are thousands of old and new books. With just a little training, a senior adult can easily search and download whatever book he or she is ready for that day.

At University Village we encourage our residents to not only keep themselves moving physically, but mentally as well. And we think that eReaders are a great way to keep the mind sharp and active.

University Village is an exceptional senior living Tulsa communityContact us here to learn more about senior living in Tulsa.




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