How Pets Benefit Seniors

August 2, 2018

Pets have a way of delighting everyone, young and old. Cats, dogs, hamsters, fish… Whether fluffy or scaled, pets have a way of improving our lives. Seniors in particular can find plenty of benefits to having a pet. Here are some of the top ways that pets can benefit seniors, thanks to

  1.  Companionship. Have you ever noticed how enthusiastic a dog is to see you, no matter the length of time you’ve been gone? For seniors, especially seniors who are living alone, companionship, even with your pet, makes a world of difference
  2. Mental Stimulation. A pet requires adherence to a daily schedule, keeping up with daily feeding times and access to exercise and play. In addition, watching your cat chase a laser pointer or your little dog chase a ball provides entertainment for hours and plenty of laughs.
  3. Promotes Empathy and Optimism. Animals are much easier to read than humans are, so caring for animals builds up empathy and good feelings. Optimism is another side effect of caring for a pet, as they provide a sense of purpose and inspiration.
  4. Reduces Stress and Increases Feelings of Wellbeing. It has been proven that being around animals lowers the levels of stress chemicals in your brain and boosts the chemicals which promote happiness. Pets can help reduce anxiety, as well.

Getting a pet can be a wonderful way to improve your senior living. Make sure that you carefully take into consideration the level of care you can provide for your pet before rushing off to a pet store, and if you live in an apartment or rented house, ensure that pets are permitted in your building. Fortunately, University Village welcomes residents to keep their pets which fit our requirements. Come and tour our retirement community to see if it might be the best fit for you and your furry friend.

If you believe you or your loved one may be ready to move into a retirement home Tulsa OK location, we can help with the transition.  Our staff offer years of experience in specialized care for all retirement needs from independent to assisted living in Tulsa OK. Contact us here.




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