Resident Spotlight: Ardell Maack

June 29, 2018

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Ardell was born and raised in Minneapolis, MN. She grew up with her parents and two sisters. Her favorite childhood memories were in the snow – “All you need is a cardboard box!” She later married her Jr. High sweetheart and has 3 sons, 3 grandchildren, and 7 great-grandchildren. During her career, she ran a 120-bed Nursing Home, and she loved working there! Her biggest hobbies are reading and crocheting hats to donate to Tulsa’s homeless population. She says she began crocheting hats 15 years ago when she lived in Missouri. Her heart for those less fortunate began in Minnesota where her dad worked in ministry to the homeless through church. In Missouri, she would deliver the hats herself, but since moving to University Village, she has a church friend that delivers hats to homeless veterans, and University Village delivers hats to John 3:16! She makes the hats year-round and then delivers them when winter comes. She says she has already made 150 hats since November 2017! Ardell has been a resident of University Village for a year and a half, and says her favorite thing about UV is dominoes! Say Hello to Ms. Ardell Maack!

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