Senior Living…What Can Families Expect?

February 28, 2020

Once it has been decided upon for a family member to transition to a Senior Living Community, family members might have many pertinent questions. Did we make the right decision? Will our Senior be happy in his new home? Will the caregivers deliver the level of care I expect? All of these questions and more are natural and honest responses to this lifestyle change.

Here are some tips to affect a smooth and successful transition:

  1. Discuss your plans confidently and enthusiastically. Maintain a positive attitude and share this with your Senior. Seniors who have an active part in their transition and keep a positive frame of mind adjust quicker, make friends more easily and become vital members of their new communities.
  2. Ask questions and learn about their new environment. It will be beneficial to you as a family member to get to know your Senior’s caregivers, neighbors, schedules, meal plans, medication protocols, and available activities. And look for the community’s social media pages, it’s a great way to see upcoming activities.
  3. Use common sense and try to balance the length and frequency of your initial visits. While it makes sense to visit the Senior’s new home at various days and times, try to allow your Senior space enough to succeed on her own. Seniors who are able to manage a few initial hurdles independently have a sense of accomplishment and are less frightened by any new challenges they may face.

As a concerned family member, you can be your Senior’s best advocate for this successful new chapter!

Learn more here about assisted living Tulsa OK and retirement homes in Tulsa OK by contacting us here.




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