Staying Active During Winter for Seniors

December 29, 2016

As cold weather settles in, the general tendency can lean towards inactivity. While summer and spring inspire many to exercise, it is much more difficult during the winter to find the motivation to move, especially for seniors. However, taking a three month break (or longer!) to hibernate for the winter is simply not a good idea. Exercise improves health in too many areas to simply leave it by the wayside, and cold weather forces us to explore some alternative options when the ice, snow, and bitter cold hit. Here are some of our suggestions to inspire you to get moving!
1: Work out at home! Workout DVDs are readily available to rent and buy, and some workouts are easily found on the internet as well. Watching these videos can help vary the types of exercise you do and can help inspire you when you start to feel as if you have cabin fever.
2: Include friends. Getting a group of friends together provides accountability and makes things more fun. Joining a group class, sports league, or walking the mall are all ideas for groups to try together.
3: Clean the house. As silly as it may seem, sweeping, dusting, scrubbing and even cooking burns calories and gets your blood pumping. Plus, you have the added benefit of a clean house!
4: Layer up and take a walk. Be sure to protect yourself by ensuring you wear warm socks, gloves, and especially a hat, in addition to a warm coat when the thermometer dips down. Don’t forget to watch out for ice, and remember that even in the winter, the sun is powerful and can give you a sunburn!
Activity is important for maintaining a healthy retirement, but always remember to be aware and be safe so that you don’t overdo it. At University Village, we firmly believe in promoting a healthy and active lifestyle for our residents according to their unique stage of retirement, providing appropriate care for each of their needs. For more information on how we can help you improve your retirement living, contact us at (918)299-2661 or visit our website at

For more information on assisted living Tulsa OK, retirement homes in Tulsa OK or senior living communities in Tulsa OK, contact us here.




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