Step-by-Step Guide to Dealing with Senior Hearing Loss

March 15, 2018

Hearing loss often comes hand-in-hand with aging, unpleasant as it may be. Often, seniors struggle with hearing loss for long periods of time without acknowledging it or accepting help. Don’t suffer in silence (literally!). Thanks to, here are our recommendations for a step-by-step guide when you or your loved one may experience hearing loss.

  • Assess hearing. Do you find yourself reading people’s lips rather than hearing their actual words? Are certain sounds muffled or fuzzy sounding? If you begin to notice extra difficulty hearing in noisy settings, or start to wonder why everyone around you is whispering, these may be signs of hearing loss.
  • Acknowledge a need. Hearing loss is not a poor reflection on yourself! It is an important step in getting help to acknowledge that there is an actual need which ought to be met. Don’t let stigma, disappointment, or frustration stop you from getting what you need!
  • Accept help. Beyond simply admitting to yourself that there is a need for improved hearing, you must include others in your decision to pursue better hearing. Make an appointment with your doctor to discuss what options you have and what they recommend, paving the road on your journey to improve your hearing. Follow their advice and you will find success.
  • Audiology Assessment. Audiologists are extensively trained in doing what they do, and they are very skilled in all areas of audiology, including testing hearing, determining hearing loss, fitting for hearing aids with clients for everyone from tiny babies to senior adults. Because the price for hearing aids is around $1800-$4000, it is very important to choose a clinic with a good reputation and ask plenty of questions as you go.

Hearing loss is not necessarily a disastrous situation in life… keep in mind that there are plenty of resources and trained professionals who work especially to improve this area. We hope that we have encouraged you with our step-by-step guide for hearing loss, we at University Village retirement community are standing by to answer any questions you may have in regards to how University Village can further improve your retirement living.
Our retirement home Tulsa OK location, University Village, has a lot to offer you in your search for senior living communities Tulsa OK properties. Contact us here today.




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