The Art of Simplifying

January 18, 2018

Posted in

Have you ever looked around your home and wondered, “Where did all this stuff come from?” It’s a common question, and a common problem, as, over the years various articles seem collect and build until we are faced with a seeming mountain of “stuff”. Don’t be afraid! Simplifying your life by getting rid of some of this may help you reduce stress and improve your retirement living. Here are some steps to help you develop the art of simplifying courtesy of

  • Sprint, Not a Marathon. If you can break up your task into manageable pieces, you will find yourself much more successful than an attempt to clear out the whole house in one fell swoop.
  • Set a timer. After about 45 minutes, people tend to hesitate more when it comes to making decisions to keep or throw away something. Take a break and walk away before returning to the task and you will be much more effective.
  • Gather helpers. Involving your family or friends can be beneficial to the process of cleaning out your space. However, “can” is the key word – some loved ones may actually impede your progress! Choose people who will challenge you throughout the process. If your family is sentimental, it could be helpful for you to be able to pass on certain items that you don’t particularly want or need anymore.
  • Focus on all the good! Make your newfound cleared-out space beautiful, safe, and functional. Enjoy the tranquility that washes over you as you let go of the burden of unwanted stuff cluttering your home.
  • Consider hiring a professional. Plenty of people nowadays offer downsizing or organizational services. Take their services into consideration as it may possibly save you time and stress. Even a consultation by a professional may help spark ideas and inspiration!

Simplifying your stuff can take a load off your mind and help you find additional peace in your retirement living. Retirement living ought to be wonderful, and tackling a big project such as decluttering can provide a big improvement, not to mention a sense of satisfaction and achievement. University Village retirement community can help you take more steps to improving your senior living… find how by connecting with us here!

University Village is an exceptional senior living Tulsa community. Contact us here to learn more about senior living in Tulsa.




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