‘Tis The Season For Friendship

November 8, 2019

Tis the season to remember and appreciate those things for which we are thankful. A very important part of that list is “friendship”! Here at University Village, we promote friendship through our many social, health, and entertainment activities. Let’s examine some of the benefits of friendship according to the Mayo Clinic:

  • Friends increase your sense of purpose and belonging.
  • Friends reduce stress and increase happiness.
  • Friends improve your confidence and self-worth.
  • Friends help you cope with trauma or loss.
  • Friends encourage your healthy lifestyle choices.

Friends play a significant role in promoting our overall health. Studies show that older adults with a strong social support group have a reduced risk of many significant health problems as well as a longer life expectancy! “Age-friendly” communities, such at University Village, recognize the value of aging actively. That is to live in security, enjoy good health, and continue to participate fully in society. Our community is designed to reduce social isolation and improve health and community engagement. So, the next time your dining partner suggests a game of cards or the calendar lists a particularly interesting activity, jump in with both feet. New friendships can be extremely interesting and valuable.

Nurture your new friendships by showing kindness, being a good listener, showing that you can be trusted, and making yourself available to new ideas and activities. Investing time in making new friends and strengthening existing friendships can pay off in better health and a brighter outlook for years to come. Let’s all take time to meet new people and celebrate our friends and community this holiday season!

Contact us here today to schedule a tour of our senior living communities Tulsa OK location and learn how we can help you enjoy your retirement to the fullest at our retirement home Tulsa OK community.




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