Princess Diana once said, “Family is the most important thing in the world.”
That’s just how University Village feels about our residents and staff.
And so, UV is launching an enthusiastic, year-long campaign to keep our resident’s connections strong. A new survey from the National Council on Aging indicated that senior health and well-being actually depends on how much time is spent with family and extended family. 90% of seniors said they felt revitalized when they spent time with others. Specific health benefits included lower blood pressure, lower risk for cardiovascular problems and lower risk for depression. Social interaction also keeps your brain from getting “rusty.” There are plenty of ways our residents stay in touch with “family” and maintain a high level of social interaction: joining an enjoyable group activity, like playing cards, bingo or book club; or taking an exercise class, which is a great way to stay physically fit and engage with others. Our residents stay in contact with kinfolk outside our community, too, with phone calls, letters or e-mail.
Perhaps the positive change for your 2015 includes joining our family here at University Village!