Encouraging Words From Vanessa

April 1, 2020

Posted in

It feels like news updates are coming every few minutes. When we give so much of our attention to events beyond our control, we can lose sight of the power that we do still have. We can choose how we respond to our circumstances. And perhaps even more important, even in the midst of those circumstances, we can choose how we treat others.

In Matthew, Chapter 14, we read about a great wind that blew up while the disciples were in the boat together.  The disciples were very nervous.  However, Jesus calmed the storm.  Just like those disciples, we’re in the same boat together and Jesus will calm this storm.  We all can choose to encourage, support and love one another while we’re in this storm.

Though we can’t be physically present with friends and loved ones, we can text, call, e-mail, connect on social media and more.  Send a card through the mail….when’s the last time you did that?  Personal notes still mean a lot.

We may not understand everything that is going on or agree with the decisions of the State, the Governor or the CDC, but it’s important, for the safety of everyone, that we follow the guidelines that have been passed down to us.  In 1 Peter 2:17 reminds us to “Honor everyone.  Love your brothers.  Fear God.  Honor the emperor (governor).”   Let’s honor those in authority and honor each other by washing our hands, practice social distancing and don’t take a chance on bringing anything infectious into UV.

Thank you for the kind hearts you show our residents.  They are really counting on us to keep them safe and feeling secure during this unusual time in history.  The owners and I are grateful for each one of you.




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