Employee of the Month: Melissa Carney

October 9, 2020

Melissa has been a part of the maintenance team since May 2019. She was born in Johnstown, Pennsylvania and grew up in Tulsa. She has two sons, and a 4 year old grandson, who keeps her on her toes! Her hobbies include playing guitar and fishing, and she hopes to one day win at Wii Bowling against the residents and Tadd! Melissa truly loves her work here at UV and  considers her most significant accomplishment to be that she is able to do what she loves. Recently she helped cover for a co-worker that was out on an extended leave. This was above and beyond her normal duties and responsibilities, which she accepted  willingly. Her help in this position meant the difference between not getting a lot done, and making sure everything was addressed and in a timely manner. She did this without complaint, and also managed to keep up with work orders. Thank you Melissa for your hard work here at University Village. You are a blessing to the residents and the staff!

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