You are Autumn

October 15, 2021

As we watch the leaves turning from summer’s green to the multitude of colors in the fall, I am reminded of the natural rhythm of the seasons.  A friend of ours wrote a song about how the seasons show how God moves nature through to remind us of His power and care for us:

And even when the trees have just surrendered
To the harvest time
Forfeiting their leaves in late September
And sending us inside

Still I notice You when change begins
And I am braced for colder winds
I will offer thanks for what has been and what’s to come
You are autumn.

I pray as you see God’s hand outside your window this month in the changing of the leaves, a beautiful sunset or any other wonder of nature, you will feel His presence and care – ready to hear your prayers and be near in any time of need or praise.  As older adults, we have the opportunity to show younger folks around us the way to live a more emotionally balanced life.  We have seen a lot of situations in life and age brings a tempering of what is really lasting and important.  Let us be sages and, by our actions of peace and love to others, live the best wisdom we can give.




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