Annual Employee In-Service Library

May 22, 2023

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Annual Employee In-Service Library

Residents’ Rights

Nursing Home Residents’ Rights – English Version

Nursing Home Residents’ Rights – Spanish Version

Identifying Pain

Understanding and identifying pain is important, especially in the event a resident may not respond to pain in a typical way or have the ability to properly communicate or even understand the pain. Most important, be sure to report when behaviors seem unusual.

Identifying and Addressing Pain:

Wong-Baker FACES Pain Rating Scale and Audio of “How to Use”: – Click here

Non-Verbal Pain Cues – Click here

HIPAA – Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act


Fire Safety

Fire Emergency and Fire Prevention at your Workplace:

Types of Fire Extinguishers and Uses – Click here

Alzheimer’s and Dementia Training

Teepa Snow: Gain Awareness about Dementia

Videos: Dementia 101, Brain Changes, Challenging Behaviors, Meaningful Activities – Click here

Hand-in-Hand: A Training Series for Nursing Homes MODULES 1-4

Trauma-Informed Care

Trauma-Informed Care is an organizational culture that recognizes that everyone who interacts with an agency may have a past traumatic experience that we may or may not know about. A trauma-informed organization treats everyone in ways that protect trauma survivors from re-traumatization much like universal precautions assume that all body fluids might contain a blood-borne disease.

Trauma Informed Care Training Presentation – Click here

Leading Age: RFAA Implementing Trauma-Informed Care Guidebook – Click here

Compliance and Ethics Program

Compliance and Ethics Training Presentation – Click here

Abuse and Neglect Prevention

Dementia and Abuse Prevention – Click here

Resident Abuse Prevention and Reporting Training Presentation – Click here

Hand-in-Hand: A Training Series for Nursing Homes MODULE 5

Substance Use Disorder

Warning Signs of Substance Use Disorder – Click here

Substance Use Disorders Training Presentation – Click here

SAMHSA Risk and Protective Factors:

Bed Rails

Between 1985 and January 1, 2009, 803 incidents of patients caught, trapped, entangled, or strangled in beds with rails were reported to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Of these reports, 480 people died, 138 had a nonfatal injury, and 185 were not injured because staff intervened. Most patients were frail, elderly or confused.

Practice Hospital Bed Safety – Click here




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