Letter from HR

April 22, 2020

Posted in

April 22, 2020

Dear UV Staff,

First, I am writing to let you know how much I am thinking of each and every one of you here at University Village.  As this unexpected war takes a toll on our environment and our spirit, each of you have displayed strength and resilience. You are all truly inspirational and everyday I marvel at the support and commitment as you pull together to ensure our residents receive the best possible care.

Many of you are working tirelessly to provide additional coverage, when needed, in addition to adapting your service delivery to follow CDC guidelines. It has been truly humbling to watch each of you dig deep and push your limits to ensure our residents stay engaged.

Please look after yourselves and each other and know, without a doubt, that you are appreciated in a way that words just cannot express. This level of commitment often takes a toll on the caregiver in unexpected ways. Healthcare workers are expected to put their physical and mental health on the line to prioritize needs of others, but this pressure, paired with social distancing and isolation can present challenges to our own mental well-being.

If you are feeling stressed, lonely, or overwhelmed, please know that you are not alone. There are many resources available for which I am including the links below. One particularly helpful resource is our Employee Assistance program through Community Care of Oklahoma. Regardless of your healthcare coverage, this program is available at no cost to every University Village employee along with your spouse and dependent children. The professionals with the EAP are available for round-the-clock confidential and judgement free support. Just call 1-800-221-3976 to be connected to a counselor today.

Please accept my sincerest appreciation and know that if there is anything I can do to help you or better support you, I am proud and happy to do so.



Wynter Hill-Ferrell

Human Resources Director


Community Care Employee Assistance Program:



Tulsa Area United Way:



Mental Health of Oklahoma:





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