Letter To Staff

November 6, 2020

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November 06, 2020

Dear UV Staff,

As a community, we experienced the first COVID related loss of one of our residents. Our hearts break as the harsh reality of this very dangerous virus sets in. Now is not the time to let our guard down. There are certain things that we can do, as individuals, that we know make a difference. We must wear masks, all of the time. If we are in common spaces, or resident rooms and apartments, we must ensure we protect both them and ourselves by keeping our mask on. I know it takes away some of the feeling of a personal connection, but we must remain diligent. We know washing our hands helps curb the spread of the virus. Please do so often and correctly. Did you know that most people do not properly wash their hands? I have included a brief video link below outlining the proper technique. I have also included a video outlining proper use of personal protective gear, something which now applies to each of us, not just our clinical staff. Please take a few minutes to watch.

The unfortunate reality is that we are most likely to bring the virus into the facility. Therefore, we must remain vigilant to ensure that, as we go about our lives, we are not creating a high-risk environment for our coworkers and residents. Our residents and their families have entrusted us with their wellbeing and I am reminded every day of the important responsibility we have to each of them.

But through tragedy, there is also triumph. I continue to be amazed and inspired at the selflessness of our staff when it comes to caring for our residents. This is truly at the heart of all we do here at University Village. Each of you play a crucial role in dealing with the unprecedented challenges in the fight against this global pandemic. Appreciation and thanks to the Assisted Living team, Dining Services staff, and Life Enrichment crew, all of whom came together very quickly to adapt and be flexible in order to ensure our residents are well cared for.

This year has been full of messy, often confusing, and absolutely exhausting work and as we move towards the conclusion of 2020, we have some special events planned to celebrate each and every one of you! Be looking for details soon.

I am here to support you. Thank you for your continued work and I send each of you my very best wishes as we head into the holiday season.



Wynter Hill-Ferrell

Human Resources Director

Proper Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):


Hand Hygiene Resources:

CDC Hand Washing Facts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d914EnpU4Fo

Hand Washing Techniques:







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