Resident spotlight, Lois Meyer

April 30, 2015

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Lois Meyer was born in Vincennes, Indiana in 1917. She grew up in a well-structured Christian home with one brother and two sisters. When she was twelve years old, she accepted Jesus Christ into her heart and started on her journey of living a life of service to God.
She felt called to the ministry and after graduating from high school and college, she attended McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago and received her master’s degree in Christian Education.

Following her graduation, she worked for several churches as their Educational Director before moving with her husband to Mexico to teach English in a mission school. Lois and her husband adopted a ten-year-old Mexican girl. During their three years there. Lois’ husband had a stroke and they moved back to the U.S. He lived for six more years.

Lois recalls seeing an airplane fly overhead while at home and asking God, “God, where am I going with my life?” This marked a pivotal moment in Lois’ life as she started attending a church with her neighbor where “everyone had their arms raised like a holdup.” They were praising God. Lois heard about Rhema Bible College from a friend who took her to a Kenneth Hagin camp meeting and, at the age of 58, Lois left her house in Detroit and moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma to attend the Bible College.

After Rhema, she was actively involved in the Campus Challenge Ministry in which she and others traveled across the U.S. to various college campuses. She graduated from Rhema in 1984, and in 1985 was heading off to the Philippines to be a missionary to 19 countries.

Lois remained in the Philippines teaching and preaching the Bible and teaching missionary children their schoolwork for six years before moving to Hong Kong, where she ministered for four years. When Lois was 77, she went to China for two and one half years and helped smuggle in Bibles nine times beneath her clothing! Her face lights up as she says that she has witnessed numerous miracles while on the mission field and in her personal life.

At 97 years old, Lois remains very active at University Village and leads a hymn sing-a-long, reads the Bible to individuals with visual problems, and teaches a Spanish class. She also leads a prayer group and gives out hugs to residents in the health center. She currently is dating her 83-year old boyfriend, Carl Seaton, who is also a resident at University Village. When Lois isn’t hanging out with Carl or leading her groups at University Village, she writes. Lois has written and published Beloved Come Closer, a book of devotions with poetry available at most bookstores. She is currently working on writing her spiritual autobiography.

Lois’s life advice includes reading the Bible faithfully, being kind to one another, and always serving God with your very best – “for He is the one who makes you special,” she says.




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