Small Things Matter – Especially in Hard Times

May 1, 2020

Enjoy this testimonial written by University Village resident, Davis D. Joyce

I’m sure you’ve heard it said that “small things matter.” What I’m thinking now, based on four recent experiences, is that small things are BIG in troubled times like we’re living in now.

First: The day I was standing up by the front entrance and found out that what I had been told the day before, that I could go to Wal-Mart and buy supplies I needed and pick up my prescriptions, had changes, I was pretty freaked out. But tow wonderful acts of kindness helped me through it. First, Vanessa – yes, Vanessa Neal, our Executive Director here at UVRC – offered to pick up my prescriptions the next morning on her way to work. So I gave her my info and money, and she did it! Second, Amy, our Professional Services Manager, was also around when this occurred. I had always found Amy to be friendly, and we spoke regularly, but this time she just stood there and started talking to me gently, about what was going on and all kinds of things, and after about 10 minutes, I realized what she was doing was trying to calm me down—and it worked! I have thought highly of many of our staff members here during my almost-one-year residence, but these two really went the extra mile and made it personal, and I am deeply grateful!

Third, a friend named Julie offered—when she found out I couldn’t go out into the world to do anything, including shopping for important personal supplies—to do my shopping for me…and she did, and did it perfectly!

And fourth, Becky, a cousin of my deceased wife Carole, and long one of my favorite “Carole cousins,” has also offered to help, and I’ll probably call on her next time I need shopping done.

There! You see what I mean? None of these individually, I guess, would be a big deal, but each of them felt like a big deal to me, and all together they reminded me of the truth of the old cliché that hard times can sometimes bring out the best in people. So, Vanessa and Amy and Julie and Becky, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU! And when the virus crisis is over (note the optimism there), I’ll be looking for chances to return your favors!

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