EAP In-House Meeting

April 5, 2021

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Our next In-House Training is coming Tuesday, April 13th, 2021 up at 1:30 pm. The topic is “Dealing with Depression.” This training will last approximately  60 minutes.

CommunityCare Employee Assistance Program’s Dealing with Depression workshop looks at providing facts and factors, a brief definition, description, symptoms and origin of depression. Class material will help you learn the difference between a depressed mood or having a disorder, suicide warning signs, and treatment options and resources. Open to both supervisory and general employees.

This training will be held virtually. If you would like to attend, please reply to this email address:  Smoss@ccok.com. You will receive an email with a link to the video event closer to the training time.

Have a great week!

Samantha Moss

EAP Clerical Support Specialist




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