Team UV Covid Update

July 19, 2021

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Team UV,

I am sad to report that we have now learned that a few employees and residents are COVID positive. While HIPPA prevents us from revealing specifics about any employee or resident, I can share with you that we have coworkers / friends who are hospitalized and fighting for their lives.

Be diligent. I know that we all want COVID to “be over” but this new surge reinforces the realization that, while we have seen a shift torwards regaining normalcy, the reality is that we will have to adjust to a new normal. Masking and proper hand washing still provides the very best protection, not just for us but for our peers and our residents. Wear your mask properly and at all times. Wear a surgical mask, it’s already a requirement for those working in our Health Center.

Get vaccinated. According to recent reports, the Delta variant is responsible for nearly 58% of all new positives and is now considered the dominate strain (, link below). While the vaccine does not provide the same level of protection against the Delta variant, we do know that it lessens the severity of the symptoms and that is a very good thing. Accounts from inside local hospitals tell us that this is unlike the last wave and the majority of their patients are young and otherwise healthy. There has been a sharp uptick in pediatric cases and resulting hospitalizations. We respect and understand everyone’s personal choice as to whether vaccination is right for them. If you are fearful, ensure you understand and weigh the risks and benefits of getting vaccinated versus getting the virus.

Educate yourself. We have compiled the very best resources available so that each of you can ensure you are educated on all aspects of this virus and how to best protect yourself and others. If you have questions, we are here to help, ask departmental leadership and we will ensure we find the answer for you or point you in the right direction.



CDC Types of Masks

5 Things to Know About the Delta Variant

When and How to Wash your Hands

VIDEO: CDC Handwashing How-To

VIDEO: WHO How to Wear a Mask




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