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Seven Dimensions of Healthy Aging

Beyond simply choosing healthy foods and exercising, healthy aging incorporates a whole spectrum of areas in life. It is equally important to maintain each of these areas, or you may fast find yourself with “something missing.” Learn more about each of these areas below, thanks to the International Council on Active Aging: Emotional Wellness: Like…

Health Center Visitation Schedule

FOR HEALTH CENTER RESIDENTS ONLY: We are arranging a way for families (max of 2 people, no one under the age of 18) to visit with your loved one in our Health Center Activity Room.  We can accommodate 2 residents at a time on Christmas Day December 25th at: 11:30am, 12:15pm, 1:00pm, 1:45pm, 2:30pm, OR…

Employee of the Month: Kimberly Herd

Kimberly began her career at UV a year and a half ago as an outstanding employee in our housekeeping dept. She has helped train new staff and assist with office duty’s when needed. Kimberly has an eye for detail and makes service excellence her goal. Now that she has become a nurse aide in the…

Kindness Matters

English Oxford Living Dictionaries defines kindness as “the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.” For many, kindness comes naturally, for others it is a work in progress. During these challenging times it seems that we have all had an abundance of opportunities to be kind to one another, but have we engaged with those…

Helping Others, Helping Yourself

People who would describe themselves as “kind” may live longer than those who aren’t kind.  “What?” you may ask.  It’s true! According to some research, seniors who actively volunteer in two or more improve their overall health nearly as much as quitting smoking, and more than exercising four times a week. That is a big…

Senior Heat Safety

Choosing a nursing home Tulsa OK community is a big decision, and one that University Village can help you with. Contact us here to learn about our senior living in communities Tulsa OK locations and schedule a tour today.

Four Ways Seniors Tend To Be More Spiritual As They Age

No matter what religion you may or may not adhere to, a healthy sense of spirituality can be a common thread in many people’s lives. Spirituality, according to Oxford Dictionaries, is “The quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.” Here are four ways that seniors…

Employee of the Month: Jordan Donald

Jordan works in the housekeeping department, serves the cottage residents, and has been employed at UV since January 2020. Residents have expressed their appreciation for Jordan by saying, “My cottage has not been this clean in a long time!” He is described as agreeable, never absent, always happy, appreciative and has a very good outlook…


