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Brain Games For Seniors

Keeping your brain in shape during late adulthood is not only possible, but it is vitally important. Often times in the retirement years, the pace of life slows down, which means that brains don’t get the work outs that they used to. Therefore, it’s important to incorporate challenging brain exercises into your routine to keep…

Employee of the Month: Gia Disanto-Underwood

Gia is an RN in the Health Center, and she is a true team player. Gia has always been known for going above and beyond, and her performance has been outstanding for the last four months as our delivery of care has changed during COVID. She is an encouraging presence to the staff and does…

Strength Training Tips For Seniors

When ask what the secret is to a long and happy life, a frequent response from senior adults is this: Just Keep Moving. Moving the body is an essential part of maintaining wellness, and that includes keeping those muscles strong and toned. According to, here are a few strength training tips for seniors. As…

Emotional Obstacles To Downsizing

The thought pops into your head: “Maybe it’s time to downsize.”  Maybe your family has all grown up and moved into their own homes, maybe you’ve reached retirement and suddenly come to the realization that you are living alone in a big house, or maybe the upkeep of your home is all just too much.…

How to Start a Conversation About Moving to a Senior Living Community

Maybe the last time you visited home you noticed some things about your loved ones that sparked concern.  Maybe mom and dad mentioned needing some extra help around the house, or you worry about them being unable to keep up with their lifestyle. Transitions are always difficult, especially when it comes to the time for…

Tips For Visiting A Senior Living Community

If you find yourself on the precipice of searching for a senior living community, the task can appear to be a daunting one. Here are some suggestions of things to look for and to experience. Keep track of what you notice and how you feel with each one, then you will be able to compare…

Employee of the Month: Kathryn Lower

Kathryn is a CNA in the Health Center. She was born and raised in Tulsa, and has a younger brother and sister, of whom she is very proud. She always comes to work on time with a smile and a great attitude, even on tough days. She is always kind to the residents and other…

Preventing Social Isolation In Seniors

Searching for nursing home Tulsa OK communities can be overwhelming. Let us provide you with options our senior living communities in Tulsa OK have to offer. Contact us here for more information and to schedule a tour.  


