
Category: Assisted Living

Staying Active During Winter for Seniors

As cold weather settles in, the general tendency can lean towards inactivity. While summer and spring inspire many to exercise, it is much more difficult during the winter to find the motivation to move, especially for seniors. However, taking a three month break (or longer!) to hibernate for the winter is simply not a good…

Five Activities to Connect Teens and Grandparents

With such a large age gap, often it may be hard to find ways for the youngest generation and the oldest generation to find common ground when it comes to activities and interactions. Fortunately, we have come up with five cross-generational activities that will help young and older adults alike unplug and connect: Volunteering: Not…

5 Ways to Grow Happier As You Age

Growing older doesn’t have to be negative! In fact, there are many positive activities and things you can do and practice that will help you stay optimistic and sharp-minded as you age. Learn something new every day: Each day is a gift in itself and should be spent doing things we enjoy. There are so…

5 Ways To Grow Happier As You Age

Growing older doesn’t have to be negative! In fact, there are many positive activities and things you can do and practice that will help you stay optimistic and sharp-minded as you age. Learn something new every day: Each day is a gift in itself and should be spent doing things we enjoy. There are so…

What’s The Difference?

While searching and deciding the next step for a new season of life, many adult children and seniors may wonder, ‘What is the difference between Independent Living and Assisted Living and a Nursing Home?’ You may wonder about the price, location, what’s included, etc. Well, we are going to answer your questions and provide you…

How to have ‘The Conversation’ with Mom or Dad in 5 Steps

We’ve been in senior living for over 25 years and know how it often goes. You just spent the holidays with loved ones and suddenly realize it is time to have “the talk” with Mom and/or Dad about the next best step in their living situation.  While this might initially bring feelings of stress and…




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